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Para ver, notar, oler, sentir, subir, bajar, ir con amigos y amigas, solo, gozar . No hay nada mejor que ésto . bueno, si, una cosa . Viernes, 17 de abril de 2015. WEB GUNE BERRIA NUEVA PÁGINA WEB. 2015eko apirilaren 2tik aurrera, sarrera berriak WWW. Web gune berrian gehituko dira. Sarrera zaharrak berrian gehitzen joango dira, guztiak bertan eduki ditzazuen. Las entradas antiguas se irán añadiendo a la nueva página web para que las tengáis todas en la nueva web.
Rutas de montaña, fotografía y otras historias de un hobbit explorador. XXI Vuelta a la cuenca del río Oiartzun. Son las 5 de la mañana y la decisión la he ido madurando y meditando durante la noche que me he pasa.
Click on a picture to enlarge. Sunday, June 21, 2015. Wednesday, September 28, 2011. The main house viewed from the back. From the back looking towards what was the dog run. In the dog run looking towards the front. The big arched door goes into the former breakfast room; the back door exit is now to the right. This view looks from the hall through what used to be the breakfast room into the enlarged dining room. In the dining room looking back towards the kitchen. Friday, July 25, 2008.
Monday, October 6, 2008. Kardashians Kontinue to Krave Attention. Kardashians Kontinue to Krave Attention. Kim Kardashian and her lesser-known - but equally stupid-named and desperate for attention - sisters Khloe and Kourtney wave to the camera in the photo below. Take a long, hard look at the picture and send us your thoughts.
Use It Up, Wear It Out. Make It Do, or Do Without. - A saying during the Great Depression. This is a a place for us to donate, swap, sell, trade, or buy items that still have lots of use in them.
Convento de Santa Clara em Taubaté - Lápis aquarelado por Thomas Ender, em 1817. Sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014.
Sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2015. As 95 Teses de Martinho Lutero. 31 de outubro de 1517. Por amor à verdade e no empenho de elucidá-la, discutir-se-á o seguinte em Wittenberg, sob a presidência do Reverendo Padre Martinho Lutero, mestre de Artes e de Santa Teologia e professor catedrático desta última, naquela localidade. Por esta razão, ele solicita que os que não puderem estar presentes e debater conosco oralmente o façam por escrito.